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Wildlife Recovery

“In every walk with nature one receives far more that he

So how do we know what’s changing at Lettoch?

The key to Rewilding is learning how to monitor what changes as nature recovers. We are thrilled to be guided and trained by experts, they help us to see what’s unfolding and explain all the connections and how the recovery of one species supports another. Through this process,we start to understand how everything will fit itself together if we take away man made interference. Helping us measure the difference will be the creation of surveys about key species/habitats. These include:

• A breeding bird survey
• A botany survey
• Woodland survey and fixed point /aerial photography
• Soil health survey


Steve will capture the Rewilding Lettoch story via film and photography using:

• Use of fixed point and drone photography to show changes

• The landscape over time to trail cams that capture live footage of our wildlife eg red squirrel, badger, birds and insects.  

• Production of a series of videos that tell the story of what we have and will do here at Lettoch and how these changes have impacted on nature.

We will be adding our data to these national databases:

• UK Bumblebee Conservation Trust
• UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme

Here’s where we take a closer look at specific species eg mammals , birds, butterflies, plants as they recover or return to Lettoch or simply grow in number as habitats expand/restore etc.

Recording and Monitoring

Wildlife galleries: Before and after


Present Day

Baseline (2022)


Present Day

Baseline (2022)


Present Day